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Jedi Master Xendor shortly before disappearing and forming The Legions of Lettow.


Xendor is a male human force sensitive whos will is being imposed across the galaxy.


Xendors date of birth is unkown, but he was brought to study at the jedi praxeum in 3,938 BBY. Xendor was a jedi master at the academy on coruscant for many years. On many occassions he asked the jedi order for permission to study various forbidden jedi arts such as Bogan, Dai Bendu, Kashi Mer Breathe, Baron Do, Chatos, and Palawa. Each time he was denied, until in 3,900 BBY he convinced two dozen various jedi knights and padawans t leave the jedi temple with him. He went into hiding with his new companions and formed The Legions of Lettow.

Sometime therafter he allied himself with Qi Dorgen, a skilled force user and member of The Death Raiders and Grand Admiral Thrawn, a deserter from the sith empire.

Powers and Abilities

Xendor was known to have mastered Form VI Niman Style, and presumed to have passed it on to his Legions of Lettow. Little is known of Xendors exact powers and abilities but one thing is for certain, his ability to enter the minds of others is unmatched. It is also assumed he is proficient in the forbidden arts he wanted to study but this is not ertain. Many rumors also tell of him being able to restore limbs and bring back those on the cusp of death in a matter of seconds, but these reports are unconfirmed.
